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E-Scrap Conference 2011, Orlando, USA

Venue: E-Scrap Conference, October 5-6, 2011, Orlando, Florida

Nulife Glass were first invited to present their findings and developments at E-Scrap in Phoenix, Arizona, 2008 and then update their progress at E-Scrap Florida 2010. Nulife Glass are not exhibiting at Florida this year because of the forthcoming workload but Simon will be attending the conference to meet with his prospective and emerging customers.

For further information please visit:

3rd International Conference, TAKE BACK 2011

Venue: Tuesday, 3rd May 2011, Corinthia Towers Hotel, Prague, Czech Republic
Speaker: Simon Greer, Managing Director of Nulife Glass Processing Ltd.
Take Back 2011: Recycling of CRT and LCD screens

Simon Greer, Director of Nulife Glass Processing Ltd. has been invited to discuss Nulife Glass' unique technology for separating and processing CRT glass at the 2011 Take-Back Conference.

The Conference provides a unique opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding of the current developments in the take-back area in the Czech Republic and the rest of Europe and to meet with experts in the field.

For further information please visit:

PRESS ARTICLE: Re-make/Re-model

National Glass Centre, 14 October 2010 - 27 February 2011

Language of Birds, 2010
Language of Birds, 2010

...To accompany the exhibition Simon Greer, founder of Nulife Glass will give a talk before the exhibition opens to the public on Wednesday 13 October, presenting his company’s activity and discussing recycling plant technology and the environmental impact of the process.

Nulife Glass is a small company with a unique solution to de-leading the Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) glass from televisions and computer screens. Glass is theoretically infinitely recyclable – once formed, it takes less energy to recycle than to melt down the original raw materials. Glass can be melted and reused, without compromising its quality, time and time again. As a response to the process Simon has pioneered, artist Lucy Harvey has been working with the company to look at how the lead and glass, once separated can be re-used or re-united...

View Lucy’s work in Glass Products page...

Download complete press release (PDF)...


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